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Where to stay in Buenos Aires??


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On this home page you'll find Apartments, Hostel, Hotel, B&B, Rooms for rent, Home stay...
If you are looking for acommodation in Buenos Aires I recommend you...

Visit Argentina!! This is a country with friendly people, vast and attractive nature and varied culture...
Buenos Aires, the capital, is the entrance to this fascinating travel experience. Here you'll discover the blend result of races and history. It's growing  continuously so You'll have different neigborhood with their own characteristics...
Lodging option is abundant !!!

Read the Passenger news
A magazine for travelers and spanish language´s students

Do you plan to travel to Salta?? do you want to be a volunteer in Argentina ???

General Mosconi is an small town in northern province Salta. We are looking for volunteers to teach and practice English with children and youth. Your role will be to support English language teacher so teaching language experience is a must or other educational experience is welcome.  Send us your email with your infomation, experience and expectation to demosconi@argentina.com



Don't hesitate to let us know if you need further information or want to make a reservation.

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Argentina* Buenos Aires * Accommodation

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